most of this year has been preoccupied with finding a new place to live, cycling around in the pitch dark and cold, trying to read house-numbers and generally agonising over the whole depressing process. Fortunately I found a great place just in the area in which I wanted to stay (just around the corner really). The people are really nice and they seemed to like me too. However the
scumbag letting agency are now giving me an ulcer. Seeing as I have the dirty secret of
having leprosy being unable to work and depending on housing benefit and DSS benefits, this makes me far less easy to home. I've given them all the details of my income which are more than adequate to cover the very low rent, which is less than I'm currently paying. I could pay the rent they require twice over and have some money left, but they say I can't afford it (they don't seem to understand that housing benefit is calculated in such a way as to ensure you can afford to pay whatever your rent is, provided it's a reasonable amount and you don't require numerous extra rooms). This is presumably because most of their clients need an extra 500 pounds a month to spend on cars and holidays and champagne, which of course I don't. So it seems quite likely that I'm suddenly going to be homeless again because of some silly mathematical formula that states that I can't afford the lifestyle to which we all should be aspiring. Grrrr! I'm going to try the cat's home...
I'm going to miss the regular visits from miss Kitty Cat (ain't she pretty?)

by the way, I tried again to get my stuff printed at Staples. They didn't reply to my email or return my call as promised, and still took four days to tell me they can't figure out how to do it right. Oh dear. I can't believe their complete crapness... Fortunately a friend of a friend is a printer (an Epson I think) so he's currently trying to sort me out (so to speak)