how stupid and annoying is that Jayne on Big Brother? She's the real life Lynda LaHughes (from Gimme Gimme). She has absolutely no self-awareness. Psychoanalysts would probably say she lacks a superego, meaning that she just blurts out everthing she thinks and does exactly what she feels like without stopping to moderate her behaviour or consider it's appropriateness, a bit like an animal. Nikki hit the nail on the head, telling Jayne she was a "
bloody bull in a china shop". I find it quite hard to watch her on telly. If I was locked up with her, people would soon start to think I had tourette's syndrome I think....
on a different subject, aren't there lots of sexy people around in the sunshine. It's quite frustrating. Lots of gorgeous things to see but none for me to have (insert sad face icon here). Having said that, I was followed home from the park by a lad on a bike yesterday. He cycled past me and stopped to take a picture on his phone, which is the kind of thing I'd never have the guts to do, though it's very flattering. As I walked past I said a blokey "
alright mate" just to make the point I'd noticed him. I carried on walking and he caught up with me again and stopped me in the street and said "
I don't normally do this but.... are you straight?" If he was older and less obviously cruising I would have been extremely intimidated but in this case I just said "
er, no". He asked me if I'd have a drink with him while visibly cringing himself at how naff that sounded. I made my excuses and he said "
oh I'm really embarassed now" so I told him not to be and well done for being so brave. It did make me chuckle. It's a shame he was so young and not my type, not that I would accept propositions from strangers in the park anyway (though I daresay there are a handful that could persuade me). Ho hum, one day my prince will come...